mr.suresh web designer
my sincere thanks to mr suresh of salem, who made it easy to design and host this blog. mr.suresh is a creative and innovative web-designer.. he shall achieve all greatness
my sincere thanks to mr suresh of salem, who made it easy to design and host this blog. mr.suresh is a creative and innovative web-designer.. he shall achieve all greatness
spontaneity of expression is from the subconscious !!!!
it just happens at unexpected times!!!
உள்ளம் பெருங்கோயில் ஊனுடம்பு ஆலயமாம்….. திருமந்திரம்.
the bodymind is the base. if the body is kept strong with nutrition, exercise and positivity, no external influence like viruses can settle on it. victory is to the brave…
the phenomenon called god?
has anyone seen or felt it except during expectation and fear?
is it not obvious then that god is a creation of expectation and fear?
please ponder !!!!
நீர்க்குமிழி போன்றது வாழ்க்கை!!
நொடியில் தோன்றி,
நொடி நேரம் இருந்து,
நொடியில் மறைகிறது.!!
life is like a water bubble,
forms in a moment,
stays for a moment,
dissapears in a moment.
எது செய்தாலும் துணிவுடனும் துடிப்புடனும் இருப்பது எப்படி?
மனவலிமையே மந்திரத் திறவி….
i read somewhere that mind is the mysterious secretion of the brain. but a buddhist sect propounds the theory that mind creates all phenomena.
can the mind exist without corporeality?
this is a good doubt about metaphysics….
let us ponder
anyone claiming to be higher than other fellow human beings is a mentally diseased person.
a healthy person sees everyone as equals.
Parents have to give more importance to economics while rearing a child. emotions are necessary but they should be based on firm economic foundations.
One has to remember the kural “பொருள் இல்லார்க்கு இவ்வுலகம் இல்லை”.
But one has to be mindful enough, not to be entangled in the money-mesh…
Awareness, moment by moment is the key to lively enjoyment.
with a heart of love